Our Story

It all started with our family member, our little princess, very much fond of her smooth, silky, lengthy hair, also believed her beauty and confidence get boosted because of it. But, her gradual increase in hair problems, became worrisome for her, which made us to think deeply about the root cause of it and look back to find solutions from our traditional herbs and ayurvedic methods. What we found, we wished to share with our families and friends, so to you, to boost your beauty and confidence in a traditional way.
Derived from TWO words, PRAK meaning BEGINNING and RUTH meaning VISION OF BEAUTY, forming a Sanskrit word, PRAKRUTH meaning NATURE. We see the Beginning of the Vision of Beauty through our motherly Nature of Herbs.

We believe firmly that nature has a solution for our every problem and we trust it's never been late to get back to our traditional methods. We deliver, "what we believe and what we trust" through our products and we aim to reach every continent on our mother earth.
To share nature's treasure to care for your hair with our unique herbal products and to convey that our mother nature has solution for our every problem.

At Prakruth Care, we believe that hair care is an essential part of self-care. We provide a range of natural products that nourish your hair, help maintain and protect it, and enhance your natural beauty. Our products are made with natural and organic ingredients and are specifically tailored to suit all hair types.We are passionate about helping you achieve your hair care goals, from strengthening your hair to restoring its natural texture. With Prakruth Care, you can trust that you’re getting the best in natural and organic hair care.

C S Shanmugapriya
"As a mother, I have taken on the responsibility of maintaining not only my own hair health but also that of my children. My curiosity about healthy hair led me to delve deep into understanding hair and scalp health. This exploration turned into a passion, which eventually inspired me to embark on the journey of creating *PRAKRUTH CARE. At **PRAKRUTH CARE*, we believe that nature holds the solutions to our problems. Our innovative hair products are rooted in this belief, and we strive to cater to everyone's emotional attachment to their hair, regardless of age or gender."